Mike Milbury issues apology, badly attempts to explain why he made the comment

Mike Milbury issues apology, badly attempts to explain why he made the comment

​Can he just shut up already?!



Irreverent or did he mean to say irrelevant? 

We say this because Mike Milbury just issued a statement to apologize for the comments he made last night during the game between the Washington Capitals and New York Islanders. 

During the broadcast of Game 5, play by play announcer John Forslund was waxing poetically about the NHL’s “bubble” in Toronto and how great of an environment it is for the players so that they can properly focus and get down to work. So what does Milbury do? He butts in with a ridiculous comment about how “there are no women around to distract you.”

The NHL issued a statement on Friday, condemning Milbury’s words and stating that it has communicated their feelings to NBC.

It didn’t not take long for Milbury to react : he apologized for his comment, though we aren’t sure if he even gets why it’s wrong. NBC mentioned that they are "disappointed about Mike’s insensitive comment and have addressed it with him.”

Here is why we asked the first question at the start of the page. Gosh, we wonder if the guy even cares. 

Most fans were hoping to see Milbury getting fired for his misogynist comments. It seems like NBC won’t be firing him (but eh, the playoffs are just getting started, he has a lot more opportunities to make an ass of himself). 

On top of that, in Canada (of course), Don Cherry started trending with people saying that if Grapes was fired from CBC and Sportsnet for saying “you people”, then Milbury should get dismissed from his misogynistic comments (amongst other things).

The NHL did not get involved in the situation involving Don Cherry.

When will Milbury get his last strike? 

Source: Twitter