Breaking: Veteran player suffers heart attack, saved by his teammates.
Keystone Press.

Breaking: Veteran player suffers heart attack, saved by his teammates.

Hockey players are the best!



Hockey players are simply the best, and they proved that once again this week.

According to a report from CTV News, a veteran player in his sixties who was playing at Jim Durrell Arena at roughly 5 pm on Tuesday was saved by his teammates after he suddenly suffered a heart attack. His quick thinking teammates not only began performing CPR but also got their hands on a public access defibrillator and managed to revive him prior to the paramedics arriving.

The report states that the man was in serious condition when heading towards the hospital, however the situation could have been much much worse if not for the quick thinking under pressure of his fellow players. 

He is one player will be eternally grateful for his teammates, after all many believe their quick thinking resulted in his life being saved.
