Family member of kid who threw McDavid jersey out comes to his defense

Family member of kid who threw McDavid jersey out comes to his defense

Some context to an earlier report



Earlier today a video from an Edmonton Oilers autograph signing went viral after a young Connor McDavid essentially had a hissy fit when the Oilers captain refused to sign his jersey.

First, some context. This autograph signing was taking place at the West Edmonton Mall, close to the mall’s world famous pirate ship and faux ocean setting. Keep that in mind when you see the kid’s reaction.

Secondly, the event was hosted by card maker Upper Deck and stipulated that only Upper Deck merchandise was to be signed by McDavid. In fairness to McDavid, these weren’t his rules… he’s bound by a contract that he has with Upper Deck.

Now… the video:

I mean… I get the kid is angry and frustrated, but how entitled and spoiled do you have to be to actually throw your jersey into the water like that? Good grief kid… I promise you everything’s gonna be okay…

UPDATE: The child's aunt has weighed in online with some context to the situation.

Check it out: