A new clue in the Jaromir Jagr bobbleheads mystery.

A new clue in the Jaromir Jagr bobbleheads mystery.

A journalist is reporting a new detail about the missing Jagr bobbleheads... they may not be missing at all.

Jonathan Larivee

One of the most captivating stories in and around the National Hockey League in recent weeks has had very little to do with hockey at all. I am of course referencing the mystery behind the disappearing Jaromir Jagr bobbleheads, a mystery that still remains unsolved in spite of the fact that the Penguins appear to have put Jagr himself on the case.

In spite of the fact that is has now been several days since the shipment carrying the bobbleheads was reportedly stolen, the bobbleheads themselves have yet to materialize. That may come as a surprise given that a novelty item like a Jaromir Jagr bobblehead doesn't have a ton of value for anyone but fans of the player, but a recent report from a Toronto journalist may shed some light on why that remains the case.

In his most recent column for the Toronto Star, controversial journalist Steve Simmons revealed his belief that the Penguins are currently being blackmailed for the return of the items.

From Simmons:

As of press time, we bring you this piece of inside information on the mystery of the Jaromir Jagr bobbleheads. Sources indicate the bobbleheads aren’t in fact missing in Pittsburgh. They have been stolen and are being held for ransom.

The Pittsburgh Penguins did receive some criticism over this entire situation but it is important to remember that the Penguins are victims in this situation. The team did step up and offered a voucher for a free bobblehead, at a later date, to everyone who attended and should have received their bobblehead.

There's not much else the Penguins could have done in this situation without the physical bobbleheads in their possession, and I can only hope that those responsible will be swiftly brought to justice.

Although fans have come up with some pretty hilarious theories of their own about who may be responsible for the theft of the Jagr bobbleheads...

Heck... Gritty may have even confessed to the crime already.