Adult film company will make their content free if NHL team wins their first game.

Adult film company will make their content free if NHL team wins their first game.

This has got to be one of the strangest promotions ever.



This has to be one of the craziest promotions we've seen as of late, but there's no doubt this publicity stunt has had it's intended effect.

According to a report from Dans Les Coulise an adult film company based out of Quebec, Canada that goes by the name of AD4X has announced that if the Montreal Canadiens win their first game of the regular season this Thursday they will make all of their content available for free during a 24 hour period.

Of course the Montreal Canadiens themselves have no part in this promotion, but it's a brilliant marketing strategy from AD4X, one that has already garnered a ton of media attention, so I guess that's mission accomplished.

They even made a promotional poster for the event, although being that they are in Quebec, it's in French.
