Alex DeBrincat's agent may have left millions on the table.
Postmedia/Ottawa Sun  

Alex DeBrincat's agent may have left millions on the table.

The agent for Senators forward Alex DeBrincat may have lost his client all of his leverage in negotiations.

Jonathan Larivee

If this situation continues to play out the way that it has, there are going to be questions asked about how many millions of dollars Alex DeBrincat and his agent have missed out on.

In spite of the fact that it seems like DeBrincat is destined for a trade out of Ottawa, with reports indicating that DeBrincat won't be signing a long term deal with his current team, the goal scoring forward remains untraded into the second day of free agency in the National Hockey League.

Of concern here for both the Senators and DeBrincat will be the list of potential suitors diminishing as teams commit their cap space to other players, but it sounds like the Senators may not be at fault.

According to a scathing report from Ottawa Senators insider Bruce Garrioch, it would seem that DeBrincat and his agent may have greatly miscalculated. Garrioch is now reporting that DeBrincat's agent gave the Senators a list of 5 teams he would sign a long term extension with only for the Senators to learn that none of the 5 were interested in reciprocating.

Instead the Senators insider reports that 2 of the 5 weren't interested at all, with the other 3 reportedly not interested in committing to DeBrincat long term.

This of course leaves the Senators with very few options when it comes to getting a good return on their investment in DeBrincat, which would in turn explain why no trade has of yet materialized. You have to wonder if the Senators themselves are now reconsidering the long term offer they were previously prepared to offer DeBrincat given what they now know about the relative lack of interest from DeBrincat's prefered teams.