Andrew Ladd comments on the appointment of a new Captain in Winnipeg.
Keystone Press 

Andrew Ladd comments on the appointment of a new Captain in Winnipeg.

Ladd shares some thoughts on the man taking over his job.



The Winnipeg Jets had somewhat of an interesting parting of ways with veteran forward Andrew Ladd this past season, and while Ladd didn't do anything wrong there was a weird vibe from some fans who felt he had forced a trade by asking for too much money.

There's no doubt that Ladd had to have noticed the sentiment creeping in during his final days in Winnipeg, but much to his credit when the Jets announced a new captain this week, effectively the man taking over the departing Ladd's job, he showed nothing but great class and respect for his former team and teammate.

Ladd congratulated Blake Wheeler, the newly named captain, effectively passing the torch on to him by reaching out to him publicly on social media, something that he obviously was under no obligation to do. It's what most fans in Winnipeg have come to expect of Ladd, and hopefully it's little gestures like this that will help guarantee that's how he's remembered as well.
