Beer leaguer gets tossed after throwing punches at the ref

Beer leaguer gets tossed after throwing punches at the ref

That's going to earn you a lifetime suspension in any beer league I've seen.



Look, if you play beer league hockey you know that the officiating isn't exactly at the NHL level. It's something that you simply have to put up. Offsides won't always be correct and some infractions are bound to be missed. But when you're paying hundreds of dollars to play at 10:30pm on a Tuesday evening, you have to put your pride aside and realize that this isn't the NHL. In other words: give the refs a break.

Not this guy though... this clown decides to throw hands at the ref after getting ejected from his beer league game.

Check it out:

Are you kidding me, bozo? In your attempt to get "revenge" on the ref, all you did was earn yourself a lifetime suspension from playing hockey with your boys. Great plan, Bobby Probert...