Brad Marchand feels Andrew Peeke’s revenge throughout the rest of the game!
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Brad Marchand feels Andrew Peeke’s revenge throughout the rest of the game!

All the details here:



Earlier on Monday night, as the Boston Bruins were looking to tie things up against the Columbus Blue Jackets, forward Brad Marchand charged towards Andrew Peeke and it looked like he jumped off his feet to hit his opponent’s head. Peeke fell hard on the ice after the collision, in which Marchand never played the puck. As Peeke laid motionless on the ice, his absence made room for the Bruins and Charlie McAvoy found Jake DeBrusk for the breakaway goal to get a 1-1 score. 

While fans started wondering if Marchand would be suspended or if the play would even get reviewed by the league, Peeke helped his case by returning to action for the start of the second period.

And he wanted to make Marchand pay himself. Peeke was penalized for roughing Marchand twice during the rest of the game, while he kept jawing at the Bruins’ star player whenever he could.

At one point, Marchand was pushed around and Peeke took the opportunity to punch him at the back of the head.

Later in the third period, Peeke went after Marchand again, stiff armed him, which earn the Bruins a power-play.

While fans applauded that Peeke was standing him off for himself, you have to realize that Marchand will not get bothered by this. (Fans especially wondered why he was penalized as he got hit from behind). Even when he was penalized for roughing Peeke after he was punched, it looked like Marchy was having a good time in the box, mocking fans during his time there.

Marchand easily gets under opponents’ skin, but it takes a lot more to get under his…

Source: In game / Twitter