Brady Tkachuk and Brenden Dillon throw down on Saturday.

Brady Tkachuk and Brenden Dillon throw down on Saturday.

Brenden Dillon takes exception to a hit from the Senators captain and it leads to a showdown between the two men.

Jonathan Larivee

The Winnipeg Jets and Ottawa Senators faced off in early action on Saturday and things turned ugly early on when Jets defenseman Brenden Dillon took exception to a hit from Ottawa Senators captain Brady Tkachuk.

The two men would square off above the faceoff circle and would trade some blows back and forth, with Dillon eventually getting the better of Tkachuk after the Sens forward got tangled up by his own jersey.

That being said, you could tell that Tkachuk's heart wasn't really in it. The whole incident started after Tkachuk delivered a hit to Jets forward Dominic Toninato along the boards. Toninato immediately clutched at his head after Tkachuk made contact and that was enough to provoke a response from Dillon who quickly challenged Tkachuk to drop the gloves.

Tkachuk on the other hand seemed annoyed at what he perceived to be theatrics from Toninato, and the look on his face when he dropped the gloves to answer Dillon's challenge really says it all.