Breaking: Coach who abused young boys may be set free today.
Keystone Press 

Breaking: Coach who abused young boys may be set free today.

This is absolutely horrible.



There are certain acts in our modern society that if committed will earn the person committing them a black mark for life, and perhaps at the very top of that list is the act of sexually abusing young children.

That being said, it is frankly incomprehensible to me that today Graham James, a man who abused a number a young men including National Hockey League star Theo Fleury, will be given a hearing where he will ask for full parole.

James was only given 7 years for his crimes despite assaulting multiple players he coached during the 1990s and was already given a partial release from custody when he was granted day parole, an event that sparked outrage from the aforementioned Theo Fleury as well as from those who have closely followed this horrific story.


To make matters worse, James made it clear at his last parole hearing that he continues to be attracted to young boys, making the fact that he was jailed for so short a term despite so many assaults unfathomable.

"I don't think I can change attraction, but what I can change is my behaviour," said James as per the CBC.

While I don't normally ask people to share the stories I write, I will ask you to do so this time in the hopes of raising awareness if not to see reform in the justice system that would punish him so lightly, then to at least provide some warning that this monster could soon be on the loose again.