Breaking: Major announcement expected from the NHL.

Breaking: Major announcement expected from the NHL.

Something big is coming.



One of the National Hockey League's broadcasting partners may have just revealed a major announcement several days ahead of time.

According to a French language report from Habs insider Marco Normandin, TVA Sports, the company that handles the NHL's French language broadcasting in the Province of Quebec, has scheduled a major press conference for next Monday, just prior to the start of the Stanley Cup Final.

TVA Sports also happened to make the mistake of listing said press conference on the scheduling section of their website, alerting those who were savvy enough to notice that a big announcement is coming in the world of hockey.

As of this moment we have no concrete information as to what the content of the press conference will be, so keep in mind this is pure speculation, but we believe that the press conference will officially announce the NHL's plans to expand to Las Vegas. There's also the matter of Quebec City's bid for expansion to address, although the belief at this time is that they will not be awarded an expansion franchise.