Breaking: NHL team names a female vice-president.

Breaking: NHL team names a female vice-president.

A high ranking female executive in a male dominated sport.



The Montreal Canadiens have a new vice-president.

According to a French Language report from La Presse, France Margaret Belanger has been named executive vice-president of business and coorporate for the Canadiens, the Bell Centre, and Evenko. The Bell Centre is the arena where the Canadiens play while Evenko is the agnecy that books dates for both the Habs as well as other events in the building.

It's great to see a woman ascend the ladder of power in one of the league's premier organizations, and make no mistake about it, Belanger is no token hire. Belanger joined the Habs as an executive in 2013 and this is her second promotion since working within the organization.

Hopefully she can serve as an example of the fact that you can reach the highest echelons of the sporting world regardless of your gender.