Breaking: Team expected to make a trade sends senior staff to scout rival game.

Breaking: Team expected to make a trade sends senior staff to scout rival game.

It sounds like a trade is coming very soon.



The New York Rangers have not had the start to the 2017-2018 National Hockey League regular season that they were hoping for and there have been rumors floating around for over a week now that suggest some significant changes may be coming. 

On Monday we were given another indication that those changes are in fact brewing within the organization as the Rangers have sent out three of their most senior members of management to scout a rival game between the Ottawa Senators and Montreal Canadiens.

A report from TSN's Shawn Simpson has revealed that four members of New York's senior staff will be at the game this evening, and among the four are Doug Risebrough, assistant general manager Jim Schoenfeld, and former general manager Glen Sather

Simpson himself notes that it is not at all common to have so many high-ranking members of a management staff at a game where their team is not even playing, and we are inclined to agree with his assessment of the situation. 

This of course has led to rampant speculation regarding a potential trade between the Rangers and Senators, or Rangers and Habs, but nothing concrete has emerged from that just yet. 

Stay tuned as we will be keeping you up to date on this developing story. 
