Brian Boyle reveals Sidney Crosby's true colors.

Brian Boyle reveals Sidney Crosby's true colors.

Former Penguin Brian Boyle sounds off on the current captain of the Pittsburgh Penguins.

Jonathan Larivee

Outside of perhaps being labeled as a bit of a complainer in the early days of his career in the National Hockey League, Pittsburgh Penguins captain Sidney Crosby has established a pretty impeccable reputation for himself over his many years in the league. Crosby isn't only considered one of the very best players in the sport today but is also widely regarded as an all-around good guy both on and off the ice.

It is perhaps for this reason that there are those who try to poke holes in that persona from time to time, attempts that always fail.

Recently one of Crosby's former teammates was put to the question when it comes to face of the Pittsburgh Penguins, that occurring when former Penguin Brian Boyle was asked about Crosby on the NHL Network. Boyle revealed that he wasn't entirely comfortable about joining the Penguins when he did, a situation that was made considerably easier thanks to Crosby.

"It was not easy for me to go there," admitted Boyle on the NHL Network.

At the time that Boyle joined the team, Crosby was sidelined after undergoing surgery on his injured wrist. Now you might think that might limit Crosby's ability to welcome Boyle to the locker room, but instead it provided Crosby with a unique opportunity to do just that. It's a gesture that it sounds like Boyle and his family will never forget.

"He was injured to start the year and my family had come to one of the opening games, could of been the opening night at home," began Boyle. "My son was six at the time and I got a call on my phone, I check my phone after the game, my wife is texting and calling saying 'You have to get out here because Declan won't let Sid leave.'"

Boyle would retreat to the locker room for his post-game workout and shower and, according to the former Penguin, when he emerged 45 minutes later Crosby was still playing with his young son.

"They were playing bubble hockey," revealed Boyle. "Sid's backing me off 'The game's not over yet bud.'"

This wasn't merely a one-time occurence for the Boyle family either. Boyle would go on to reveal that Crosby often went out of his way during his time in Pittsburgh to make his son feel better about a difficult move for the Boyle family.

"Every time he heard my son's voice on the phone, cause he knew it was hard for my son too, he would grab the facetime and he would chat with him," revealed Boyle.

Boyle summarised what it's truly like to be Crosby's teammate in a few short words.

"The best," said Boyle without hesitation. "He's one of the best teammates and best people ever."