Brian Burke gets called out publicly!
Keystone Press 

Brian Burke gets called out publicly!




Brian Burke went out yesterday stating that it would take at least 20 first-round picks for Dougie Hamilton to be traded. Obviously, Burke was joking as he was denying the rumours around his right-handed defenseman.

The social media team at EA Sports decided to have a little fun with Burke's statement!

EA Sports simulated a trade offer in their game NHL17; The Arizona Coyotes are offering their next 5 first-round picks for Dougie Hamilton.

"We already told you today that this deal isn't going to fly as it. You aren't offering what Calgary is looking for right now, you're 15 first-round pick short"

This has been retweeted a few hundred times so far and it's still 15 hundred times short of what it should have been.

Source: Twitter