Canadian NHL team in danger of being moved to the U.S.

Canadian NHL team in danger of being moved to the U.S.

The ugly threat of relocation has once again emerged for a Canadian NHL franchise.

Jonathan Larivee

The threat of relocation is once again a reality for a Canadian franchise in the National Hockey League.

This week, Winnipeg Jets owner Mark Chipman sat down for an exclusive interview with NHL insider Chris Johnston and it was during that interview that Chipman expressed genuine concern about the financial viability of the Winnipeg Jets franchise moving forward. Chipman made it clear that changes need to be made and sounded committed to making that happen, but it wasn't enough to convince everyone that things will stabilize in Winnipeg.

In a recent article published for the Toronto Sun, controversial Toronto columnist Steve Simmons expressed his belief that the future of the Jets may once again be south of the border.

From Simmons:

If NHL hockey can’t sustain itself in Winnipeg, then commissioner Gary Bettman will have no choice but to move the team to one of the many American cities that could. The Jets have the wealthiest owner in the NHL. But losing money and trending in the wrong direction isn’t the way to go.

Fans of the Jets in Winnipeg have of course experienced this once before and I have to believe that, if the Jets were ever to be moved again, it would kill the idea of NHL hockey in that city for a very long time, if not permanently.

It's hard to believe that, with a team like the Arizona Coyotes still in the league, the Jets are at a real risk of being an NHL team that is relocated, but that does appear to be the case and may continue to be unless the financial situation for the Jets in Winnipeg makes a turn around.