Carey Price addresses the possibility of being traded.

Carey Price addresses the possibility of being traded.

Carey Price is sidelined due to injury but still has a full no movement clause with which he could block any trade.

Jonathan Larivee

The National Hockey League career of Montreal Canadiens goaltender Carey Price is already over, at least as far as his playing days are concerned. Although Price has not officially retired as of yet, a debilitating knee injury has ruled out any possibility of a return for Price in the future and he appears to be moving on to the next phase of his life.

Unfortunately for the Canadiens it won't be so easy to move on with Price's contract which runs through the 2025-26 NHL season at a monstrous cap hit of $10.5 million. That cap hit is of course buried on long term injured reserve for the time being, but there may come a time in the not-so-distant future when the Canadiens will wish to use that contract as a tradeable asset.

Again things are so easy for the Habs given that Price controls the fate of that deal with a full no-movement clause, one he could exercise at any time to block any trades of that nature. That being said, Price was recently asked about the possibility of his contract being traded and he vowed that he would not stand in the way of any such deals, feeling that he owes it to the Canadiens to allow them to make the best possible deal.

"For sure, any way I can help now,” said Price as per when asked if he would waive his no-move clause. “I’m still a part of the team and if I can help in any way, I’m here.”

That leaves the door open for Kent Hughes to potentially trade that contract as an asset to teams hovering closer to the salary cap floor, a move that no one would be shocked to see when the Canadiens start to turn the corner in their rebuild. A period of time that will, fortunately for the Canadiens, coincidence with NHL salary cap continuing to increase.