Carey Price opens up about trade possibility out of Montreal
Press conference, X  

Carey Price opens up about trade possibility out of Montreal

When speaking about his ongoing battle with a nagging knee injury.



There was a special press conference for Montreal Canadiens goalie Carey Price on Tuesday, in which it was unfortunately a reminder for fans that his NHL career is more than likely over.

“When I do certain things on a consistent basis, it’s a very solid reminder that my knee is not in a position to take the brunt of a full season’s workload,” Price explained.

“It’s just not going to happen,” emphasizing the severity of his knee injury and what it means for his future in the NHL.

While a return to the NHL is not on the horizon for him, Price still proved his commitment to the Canadiens organization when asked about the possibility of his contract being traded away.

His loyalty to the Habs remains unwavering.

“I’m going to be a Montreal Canadien for the rest of my life, and I’m very proud of that. So, I’m willing to help this team in any aspect.

“…everyone knows hockey is a business- money management and cap space is part of that; I’m going to a Montreal Canadien for the rest of my life and I’m very proud of that so I’m willing to help this team in any aspect,” he said.

It was easy to feel how frustrating it was for Price to admit as much, especially when it comes down to the likelihood that his playing days are all but officially over.

However, Price will forever be loved and a hero in Montreal. Even if his contract gets moved down the line.

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