Chris Kreider finds unbelievable surprise on his front lawn.

Chris Kreider finds unbelievable surprise on his front lawn.

New York Rangers star forward Chris Kreider returned home to an unexpected surprise from fans.

Jonathan Larivee

The New York Rangers eliminated the Carolina Hurricanes on Friday night, and there's no way they could have accomplished that goal without an incredible individual effort on the part of Rangers star forward Chris Kreider.

Kreider was the hero in Game 6, scoring a natural hat trick during the course of the game in order to propel his team to the Eastern Conference Final. Kreider is no stranger to playing hero in the playoffs but even by his typically clutch standards this was a massive performance on the part of Kreider, one that fans in New York seem determined to make memorable for the man himself.

Following the conclusion of Game 6, Kreider would return to his home in New York only to find an unexpected surprise awaiting him when he got there. As it turns out, Kreider's neighbors decided to pull a bit of a prank on the Rangers star, littering his front lawn with hats in honor of the incredible playoff hat trick he achieved in Game 6.

In fact someone even managed to snap a photo of Kreider heading out of the house only to be greeted by the mess of hats on his lawn on his way out the door.

I can only hope that Kreider took the gesture well, as I'm sure those who placed the hats on his lawn were doing it out of affection for the player, but I would caution any fans who might be inspired by this to perhaps find a better way to express your support for your favorite player that doesn't involve showing up to their house.