Cody Glass gets choked up and the fans blow the roof off!

Cody Glass gets choked up and the fans blow the roof off!

Cody Glass gets emotional after his first career hat trick and the fans shower him with love.

Jonathan Larivee

It was an emotional night for Nashville Predators forward Cody Glass and, thanks to the fans at Bridgestone Arena on Saturday night, it will also be one he likely will never forget.

Following the conclusion of the game, Glass was awarded the first star of the game and with that came a post game interview with Kara Hammer of Bally Sports. From the very start the emotions running through Glass' body were plain to see with the 24 year old former first round pick wearing his heart on his sleeve.

When it was announced that Glass had picked up his first career hat trick he received a loud ovation from the crowd in Nashville, causing even more emotion to pour out of Glass as he was unable to hold back the tears. That only resulted in the fans cheering even louder, creating a truly beautiful NHL moment on Saturday night.