CONTROVERSY arises as the NHL face brand new lawsuit for attempting to hide the truth.
Keystone Press 

CONTROVERSY arises as the NHL face brand new lawsuit for attempting to hide the truth.

Another shocking report pointing out the NHL Gorvernance.



Controversy arises as the NHL faces brand new lawsuit for hidding the truth

An excellent report from Rick Westhead, correspondent with The Sports Network, former Toronto Star foreign correspondent, and contributor to The New York Times stated on twitter that "Boston University wants the NHL to pay $119K in legal fees for losing motion that would have forced researchers to turn over CTE records."

An official report obtained by Westhead says "The Court rejected the majority of the NHL's demands and required the University to produce only those documents and materials it had already agreed to produce. The Court's decision makes clear that the NHL subpoena was not "substantially justified". Therefore, it is appropriate to award costs and attorneys' fees pursuant" posted Rick Westhead on twitter.

Wested continued by adding that the Boston University lawyer concluded the Judge told NHL in court that its demand of school researchers amounted to a "fishing expedition."

Source: Twitter