David Kampf's wife calls out Sheldon Keefe.
John E. Sokolowski/USA TODAY Sports  

David Kampf's wife calls out Sheldon Keefe.

The Maple Leafs head coach is under fire for an unpopular decision he made on Saturday.

Jonathan Larivee

Toronto Maple Leafs head coach Sheldon Keefe likely never expected such a relatively minor decision to cause such an uproar, but he should have known better given the rabid hockey market he coaches in.

On Saturday night, Keefe made a controversial decision when he made veteran forward David Kampf a healthy scratch seemingly out of the blue. The decision was so controversial that Keefe was publicly called out by former National Hockey League player Kevin Bieksa during the broadcast of the game Kampf was scratched from, a clash between the Maple Leafs and Carolina Hurricanes.

It's one thing to have your own fans or even a former player call you out over one of your decisions, and it's another matter entirely when that criticism comes from much closer to home.

Following the decision to bench Kampf there was a post on social media that garnered a ton of attention, one that came from Kampf's wife Eliska. Posting to her Instagram, Eliska Kampf celebrated the 323 consecutive game streak that Kampf had accumulated over the course of more than 4 years. That streak was of course ended by Keefe's decision to make Kampf a healthy scratch, making the questionable decision from Keefe seem that much more callous.

To make matters worse for Keefe, Eliska even had the dates for the streak included on her Instagram post, a sign that this streak held special meaning for Kampf and his loved ones.

While scratching Kampf may have been a relatively minor decision in the grand scheme of things, it is a decision that may haunt Sheldon Keefe for some time given the fallout.