Despicable 'fans' scream disgusting obscenities at rival team's supporters.

Despicable 'fans' scream disgusting obscenities at rival team's supporters.




The passion that some fans have for their favourite NHL teams is naturally augmented once the playoffs are underway. Unfortunately there is always going to be a small faction of so-called "fans" that take their passion to a downright hateful degree. These degenerates do not deserve to support a team, as they have the potential to tarnish an entire fanbase's good name.

This was the case on Thursday night, as a rowdy group of Washington Capitals 'fans' heckled a Penguins fan doing an on-camera interview outside of the arena. As the Penguins fan speaks his piece for the interview, the group proceeds to cream homophobic slurs at the man. Their language is obscene and does not merit repetition by any person with a classy bone in their body.

The video is about 30 seconds, but Craig of Puck Buddys attests that this behaviour continued on for several minutes.

"I was just surprised at the length and duration of their vulgar behavior. No one around them appeared to take them to task or call them out. It went out for minutes before I rolled."

Although the rivalry between the Capitals and Penguins is heated in nature, there is no excuse for the abuse that these hooligans decide to dish out. Obviously this is not an accurate portrayal of Capitals' fans as a whole, but rather a sad display by idiots unfit to don an NHL jersey in support.

Hopefully we do not see any more of these incidents in the postseason, as it gives the sport, and it's fans a bad name.

Here is the entire video (Warning NSFW language):

Source: Puck Buddys