Devon Levi makes an insane series of saves in offseason training.

Devon Levi makes an insane series of saves in offseason training.

Devon Levi made 3 incredible saves in a row to leave is training partners in stunned disbelief.

Jonathan Larivee

There hasn't been any hockey in the National Hockey League for far too long already, but thankfully Buffalo Sabres Devon Levi has arrived to save the day.

The 21 year old Buffalo Sabres goaltender has probably produced the single best highlight I have seen from players in offseason training so far, a series of incredible saves that you truly have to see to believe.

In all Levi makes 3 incredible saves during this sequence, while facing off against 3 undefended players no less, including a ridiculous glove save that is followed by an even more ridiculous save off his paddle.

As I've already pointed out, words simply won't do this justice, so check it out for yourself in this short but incredible highlight. Oh and turn up the volume to listen in on the comments from his training partners who can't believe the robbery they've just experienced.