Don Cherry and Ron MacLean are back together!
Zuma Press  

Don Cherry and Ron MacLean are back together!

Yes! The boys are back!!!



The boys are back in town.

Longtime broadcast partners and Canadian hockey legends Ron MacLean and Don Cherry have seemingly patched up their fractured friendship. The pair had an acrimonious split back in 2019 after Cherry's insensitive comments on immigration cost him his job with CBC and Sportsnet. 

You may recall that there was public backlash against Cherry when he used the term 'you people' to describe new Canadians who neglected to wear a symbolic poppy for Remembrance Day back in 2019. MacLean refused to defend Cherry publicly and when Cherry was ultimately removed from the airwaves, MacLean still refused to stand up for his long-time friend and broadcast partner. In the aftermath of it all Cherry said that he was "disappointed" in MacLean and that “I don’t think we’ll ever be friends again.”

Well now, five years later and with Cherry celebrating his 90th birthday, the pair look to have patched things up.

Earlier today MacLean shared a photo of the two at Cherry's 90th birthday party last month in Cherry's home of Mississauga, Ontario.

Check it out:

The 63 year old MacLean still hosts CBC's Hockey Night in Canada broadcast every Saturday, while Cherry has adjusted to a much slower pace of life in his industry-imposed retirement. Cherry hosts a weekly podcast with his son Tim Cherry, affectionately titled 'Don Cherry's Grapevine Podcast' in an homage to his former 'Grapevine' television program that he hosted from 1982 until 1993. 

Honestly, I'm not sure I ever saw these two patching things up.

Grapes is CERTAINLY one to hold a grudge and, frankly, MacLean has done nothing publicly to help mend their relationship. In the days and weeks following Cherry's firing, the public criticism that MacLean received was substantial. Personally, I still know many long-time hockey fans who have not forgiven MacLean for 'stabbing Grapes in the back'. In fact, if you pour over the comment section of the above post from MacLean, things aren't pretty.

I mean... just look at some of these replies:

Ugly, UGLY stuff.

Source: Ron MacLean