Elliotte Friedman shares concerning update on Jack Hughes.

Elliotte Friedman shares concerning update on Jack Hughes.

The star of the New Jersey Devils took a nasty fall on Friday night, and initial reports do not sound good.

Jonathan Larivee

One of the National Hockey League's top young stars was injured on Friday night, but it sounds like it may be some time before we get an official update.

New Jersey Devils star forward Jack Hughes took a nasty spill into the boards last night after a failed scoring chance against St. Louis Blues goaltender Jason Binnington, one that left him in a bad way. Hughes slammed into the boards with quite a bit of momentum behind him and appeared to almost whiplash his body into the boards, with his head taking a significant portion of the impact.

Hughes was very slow to get up after the fall and would leave the game and not return.

We now have an early update from NHL insider Elliotte Friedman but unfortunately even the update itself may be a cause for concern. According to Friedman, it may now take "a day or two" for the Devils to determine the severity of this injury which immediately suggests to me that this isn't something minor.

Thus far the Devils have provided no additional details themselves, leaving their fans holding their breath as they hope for the best for Hughes.

Hughes was on a blistering pace this season with 5 goals and 15 assists through just 10 games, a 2 point per game pace, and it would be terrible to see his season derailed by a major injury.

Stay tuned for more updates.