Encouraging sign following Okposo's violent illness.
Keystone press agency 

Encouraging sign following Okposo's violent illness.

He was in pretty bad shape.



The case of Kyle Okposo was lost through the chaos of the Playoffs, but his story is absolutely insane nevertheless. The 29 years old was hospitalized late in the season for mysterious reasons and it rapidly got scary for him. More details emerged last monthand apparently, he was treated for a concussion but had unanticipated reactions to the medications and had to go into intensive care. It took months but we have good news to report!

According to reports, Okposo visited his team today and seems well. He's far from being 100% though, as one might expect, but he's progressing positively. It's still uncertain whether he will make a full recovery and play hockey at the highest level again, but the same reports say it's a clear posibility. 

We're glad he's in better shape now, because for a moment it was pretty worrisome. You never wish bad health to anyone, but Okposo is a likable guy and his recovery is an excellent news for hockey! 

Get well soon sir. 

Source: NBC Sports