Evgeni Malkin sends a message to his doubters.

Evgeni Malkin sends a message to his doubters.

The Pittsburgh Penguins star comments on his recent slump and has a message for those doubting him.

Jonathan Larivee

It was a tough week to be Evgeni Malkin by the sound of things.

The Pittsburgh Penguins star came into the week on a bit of a goal scoring slump and found the worst remedy imaginable this past Monday when his bad goal luck turned into an own-goal for the unlucky Malkin.

It was something that, while amusing to those of us watching at home, had a very negative impact on the Penguins superstar throughout the week. According to Malkin, he had to actively avoid social media, and media in general, in an effort to keep his mind in a positive place.

"It was an accident, bad luck," said Malkin as per The Athletic. "I know this. But, like, I don’t score right now. I’m no confident. It’s been bad for me to see own goal."

Thankfully for Malkin his mini-slump came to an end on Friday night when he picked up a huge, game tying, goal in the final minute of regulation against the Florida Panthers

Malkin admitted that he needed the jolt in his confidence but was quick to remind all of those doubting him that they were sorely mistaken when it comes to rumors of his demise.

"I know people say I’m not good player now," admitted Malkin. "For, like, maybe month or more, they are right. But I’m not done as good player. I know what is true."