Gotta See It: Patrick Kane's incredible gesture for an American soldier
Keystone Press 

Gotta See It: Patrick Kane's incredible gesture for an American soldier

NEVER pass up an opportunity to show your respects to a veteran.



Patrick Kane hasn’t exactly had a squeaky clean image since coming to the NHL. Whether it’s his theft and harassment charges stemming from a 2009 incident with a Buffalo cab driver, his drunken escapades in Madison, WI in 2012 or his 2015 rape investigation (in which he was exonerated), Kane hasn't really endeared himself to the hockey world. Maybe that's why it's so cool to see him go out of his way to do something nice, like he did last night.

That’s what we’re talking about! Deep down we’ve known that Kane has always been a stand-up guy and this just further cements that belief. The 28 year-old Chicago Blackhawks superstar may have made some dumb choices when he was young, but he’s matured and this recent development is only further proof of that. Good on you, Patrick!

Source: Teri Truss