Harris hurt bad after Blais nearly takes his head off.

Harris hurt bad after Blais nearly takes his head off.

Sammy Blais delivers a hit to the head of a defenseless Jordan Harris, leaving Harris in bad shape.

Jonathan Larivee

You just hope that Jordan Harris is going to be ok.

On Sunday afternoon, during a clash between the St. Louis Blues and Montreal Canadiens, Habs defenseman Jordan Harris was seriously shaken up after he was on the receiving end of a very ugly hit from Blues forward Sammy Blais.

The unfortunate incident occurred when both Blais and Harris were looking to make a play on the puck behind the Canadiens net, with Blais seizing the opportunity to line Harris up for a hit. Blais did just that but, as he closed in for the hit, Harris would lose his balance and fall to his knees, leaving himself in an incredibly vulnerable position moments before the impact.

Blais did not let up on the hit and the end result was Harris' head being driven violently into the boards, pancaked between the boards themselves and the weight of Blais' body. Harris was unable to regain his feet after absorbing the blow, stumbling all over the ice in his valiant attempts to get back up, a sign that his brain was rattled on the play.

Blais was awarded a 5 minute major and a game misconduct on the play.