Hockey Night in Canada ratings take major hit since Don Cherry’s firing
Zuma Press  

Hockey Night in Canada ratings take major hit since Don Cherry’s firing

Here is what fans think about that:



We all knew that firing Don Cherry from Coach’s Corner would hurt ratings, but the latest figures from Numeris make it all too real for Hockey Night in Canada. 

The Toronto Sun is among many outlets reporting on recent datafrom Canadian audience measurement organization Numeris, which shows that HNIC dropped out of the rankings of the top 30 shows across the country in the two weeks following Cherry’s firing.

In the week leading up to Don’s departure on Remembrance Day, the show sat at spot 29, with an average viewership of 1,027,000. In the two weeks following his dismissal, this number fell below top 30 levels, which bottomed out around 908,000 and 1,019,000 average viewers, respectively.

The most recent data from this month shows it remained in the top 30, with 822,000 viewers and then 810,000 viewers, definitely lowering numbers.

Toronto Sun’s Brian Lilley pointed out that “the most recent ratings available show Hockey Night in Canada down more than half a million viewers from their peak earlier this year. The December 13 main game drew just 810,000 viewers compared to 983,000 for the same weekend in 2018.”

Cherry fans are enjoying the fact that ratings for Hockey Night in Canada have plummeted, especially that Grapes has since launched his own podcast that is one of the most popular in Canada.

Source: Toronto Sun