Hockey player attacked with a skate in extremely disturbing video.

Hockey player attacked with a skate in extremely disturbing video.

One of the worst hockey videos you will ever see.

Jonathan Larivee

A disturbing video has begun making the rounds on social media, one that appears to emanate from the great state of Colorado, although specific details have been very difficult to track down.

Over the weekend a video was published by On the Bench on Twitter that shows what is very likely the most disturbing attack I have ever seen at a hockey rink.

The video begins by focusing on two players who are down on the ice at the time, one in a black jersey and the other in a white jersey. Everything seems normal at first but that changes very quickly when the player in the black jersey rises to his feet and proceeds to begin a vicious assault on his downed opponent.

While the player in the white jersey remains down on the ice, the player in the black jersey begins to launch kick after kick at both the body and the head of his opponent on the ground.

Not to sound hyperbolic but this seems like assault with a deadly weapon in the best case scenario, or perhaps even something as severe as attempted murder in the worst case scenario given that he was repeatedly attacking someone with the blade of his skate.

We are still attempting to track down more details on this video, and we will bring you those as well as any updates that emerge from this incident.