Huge blow to next season’s salary cap amidst coronavirus hiatus!

Huge blow to next season’s salary cap amidst coronavirus hiatus!

​Teams will have to crush numbers…



On Thursday, commissioner Gary Bettman made it official as he announced that the 2019-20 season has been suspended indefinitely due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

We bet he was dreading this, as this pause will cost a lot of money to the league along with ticket sales, concessions, merchandise, in-arena board advertisements for each team. 

And so, it is easy to imagine that the salary cap will be affected. Bettman’s projection of an upper limit for the 2020-21 salary cap had been between $84 million and $88.2 million, but we can all forget about that now. 

This year’s upper limit ($81.5 million) might be next year’s as well as we can only expect that global economics will take a hit. Just a few days into this pandemic and the Canadian dollar has already sagged. 

Source: Hockey Feed