John Scott shares his thoughts on the Bruce Boudreau fiasco.

John Scott shares his thoughts on the Bruce Boudreau fiasco.

The former NHL All-Star speaks out.

Jonathan Larivee

The Bruce Boudreau fiasco in Vancouver finally came an end earlier today when the Vancouver Canucks officially announced that Boudreau had been relieved of his duties and would no longer be coaching the team.

In spite of their attempts to put a positive spin on the situation the Canucks have been bombarded by negative comments from their own fans, and it has become abundantly clear that the fans aren't the only ones who have been rubbed the wrong way.

More and more players have also started to speak out about the situation in Vancouver, albeit most of them players who are no longer in the league, and the latest to chime in with his thoughts is former National Hockey League All-Star John Scott.

It wasn't so long ago that Scott found himself mistreated in the world of hockey when an attempt to make him an NHL All-Star was nearly railroaded by the league. After being voted into the All-Star Game, scott was traded by the Arizona Coyotes to the Montreal Canadiens, who then proceeded to bury him in the minors, but a tremendous outcry from hockey fans eventually saw Scott shine in that very same All-Star Game.

With that in mind it comes as no surprise to learn that Scott finds himself empathizing with Boudreau in this situation, and on Sunday Scott made his feelings clear, keeping it short and sweet.

"Bruce deserved better," wrote Scott on social media.

It was a simple statement but one that meant a great deal given the level respect Scott has in and around the sport of hockey, and it is a simple statement that has now been viewed hundreds of thousands of times.

Unsurprisingly, the responses to Scott have been almost exclusively positive.