Jonathan Toews has released a statement on climate change.

Jonathan Toews has released a statement on climate change.

Toews comments on controversial topic.



One of the big controversies in the United States of America over the past few days has been the topic of climate change, specifically as it pertains to President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. 

While most professional athlete's tend to stay away from political discourse because of how polarizing it is, Jonathan Toews has decided to release a statement on the topic. In the effort to present it in as neutral a fashion of possible here is his statement in full:

Do you believe in climate change? Whether you're super pumped that we are putting 'Americans first' or you are absolutely outraged at the idea that we are taking yet another step backwards in dealing with a major global problem, the only way to solve this argument is to try and set your own agenda aside and see how this affects everybody. The only lie we tell ourselves is that we are more special than other life forms on the planet. Well, we're not. Even if we weren't responsible for any major climate catastrophes heading our way, shouldn't we still do our part to preserve what we have left? The same way that we shouldn't wait till our bodies break down completely to start doing the right things to stay healthy, let's not wait till it's too late to do something. I am not saying I am perfectly 'green', but the first step is to keep an open mind and try to learn what you don't already know.


Here is the original publication via his Instagram: