London police offers additional info on 2018 WJC investigation ahead of press conference
London Police  

London police offers additional info on 2018 WJC investigation ahead of press conference

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Fans have been waiting for several months now on an official announcement from the NHL vis-a-vis suspensions for players involved in the 2018 sexual assault scandal, but the London Police will speak first about their ongoing investigation and the five players allegedly involved in a sexual assault scandal that occurred during a Hockey Canada event in London in June 2018. Four National Hockey League players – Carter Hart, Michael McLeod, Dillon Dube and Cal Foote – surrendered on Tuesday, while former Ottawa Senators Alex Formenton, who currently plays in Switzerland, reported to police on Jan. 28.

On Wednesday, the London Police released a media update in which they announced that the press conference will take place Monday at 2 p.m. to provide an update related to a sexual assault allegation involving members of the 2018 Canadian world junior hockey team. They also provided this additional information:

“The press conference will be available via live-stream across our social media platforms. The streaming link will be shared immediately prior to the event.

“Accredited media outlets wishing to attend in person will be provided with details, including location and information needed to register, on Thursday, February 1, 2024 via email.”

I bet several media outlets, reporters and hockey insiders, including the brilliant Rick Westhead of TSN will look to attend the press conference in London on Monday. We want the best reporters out there to attend and get the truth on what took place on that terrible night of June 2018. 

Since they surrendered to police earlier this week, it is believed that all five players have done some of the photographs and / or fingerprinting. These are the first steps into a long process as it believes that a trial in this case is unlikely before 2026.

The NHL is likely to be waiting on the London Police’s press conference to make a statement on their own investigation that was supposed to lead to suspensions. This has been a mess from the start as you may recall how news broke that Hockey Canada quietly settled a lawsuit filed by a woman who alleges she was sexually assaulted by eight unnamed players, including several members of the country’s 2018 world junior team, following a gala in London, Ontario.

The players that were charged all made statements on Tuesday. Lawyers for McLeod and Dube have both issued statements, signalling both players’ intentions to plead ‘Not Guilty.’ Hart’s lawyer and Foote’s lawyer also issued a statement, proclaiming their innocence. When Formenton surrendered this past weekend, he too proclaimed his innocence.

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