Marchand destroys Biz Nasty during NHL on TNT interview.
Sergei Belski/USA TODAY Sports  

Marchand destroys Biz Nasty during NHL on TNT interview.

Marchand is ruthless.

Jonathan Larivee

Boston Bruins agitator Brad Marchand has made a career of getting under the skin of his opponents, and apparently that extends to even after they have retired as players in the National Hockey League.

On Sunday, Marchand was interviewed by the NHL on TNT crew but absent from the panel of interviewees was Paul "Biz Nasty" Bissonnette. Marchand was quick to throw out some jabs at the former NHLer for being absent, even going so far as to suggest that Bissonnette's absence may have been due to partying a littletoo hard.

"He a little hungover right now or what," asked Marchand with a laugh.

In a hilarious turn of events, Marchand was informed that it was in fact Biz Nasty's birthday on Saturday which he quickly used to take another shot at the former NHLer.

"Was it?" asked a surprised Marchand. "Oh there you go, 50 comes quick."

It was a hilarious, albeit brief, appearance from Marchand and one that I can only hope Bissonnette will respond to.