Matt Rempe reveals how Matthew Tkachuk once broke his heart

Matt Rempe reveals how Matthew Tkachuk once broke his heart

Ahead of Game 1 tonight:

Chris Gosselin

The New York ͏Rangers͏ and Florida P͏anthers are facing off tonight in Game 1 in the Easter͏n Conference͏ Final and enforcer Matt Rempe could be star struck when playing against star forward Matthew Tkachuk.

When meeting with reporters, Rempe explained how he’s always admired the former Flames’ player, watching him in action in his hometown of Calgary.

Rempe went a bit further, admitting how it devastated him when Tkachuk was traded out to Florida in a blockbuster trade in the summer of 2022.

“Plays with a lot of grit and edge, gets under your skin, just mean. I can’t say enough good things about him.

“I was a Calgary kid and he played for Calgary, so it was a lot of fun watching him. When he left, it broke my heart a little bit.”

This was quite the heartfelt reflection from Rempe, who has struggled in the postseason despite his Blue Shirts’ success, putting up one goal with no assists in seven contests.

We can’t say the same of Tkachuk, who’s been a key player for the Panthers. He has recorded four goals, 10 assists, and 14 points, a͏veragi͏ng 19:04 minu͏te͏s of ice time.

He will be looking to add more in this series, and probably will seek to break Rempe’s heart once again, guiding his team to the Stanley Cup Final.

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Source: Peter Baugh