Matt Rempe sends a message to fans after Game 2.

Matt Rempe sends a message to fans after Game 2.

The New York Rangers rookie had some words for the fans at Madison Square Garden after Game 2.

Jonathan Larivee

Matt Rempe has brought an element to the New York Rangers that you won't necessarily find on a stat sheet, but despite the absence of the numbers that typically make a young player a star in the National Hockey League, there's no question that the charismatic young Rempe is indeed a star.

That much was evident during Game 2 of the Eastern Conference Final this week when Rempe hit the ice for the first time in the series, immediately producing a roar from the Rangers faithful at Madison Square Garden. Those chants would continue throughout the game, including several choruses of 'Rempe! Rempe! Rempe!', at different occasions when Rempe would set foot on the ice during his limited ice time, something the young Rangers forward definitely took notice of.

Following Game 2 Rempe spoke to reporters about the reaction from the crowd and made the kind of comments that are sure to produce even more chants from the Rangers fans at MSG.

"I've said it before the fans here are the best," said Rempe. "Unbelievable."

Rempe added that as much as the fans may enjoy him on the ice, he is the one truly soaking it all in and being energized by the crowd.

"I don't wanna let them down," admitted Rempe. "I love them so much. No matter what they are chanting."

The fans love Rempe, and it sounds like he would be prepared to run through a wall for those fans.

"I gotta go out there and make them proud," said Rempe. "I wanna go out there and do something. How can you not have energy when they are chanting that?"