Matthew Barnaby sounds off on the Sam Bennett controversy.
Craig Melvin/Getty  

Matthew Barnaby sounds off on the Sam Bennett controversy.

The former National Hockey League enforcer sounds off on the controversy in the second round series between the Maple Leafs and Panthers.

Jonathan Larivee

A former National Hockey League enforcer is sounding off on one of the big controversies of the second round of the Stanley Cup playoffs, and his opinion is bound to ruffle more than a few feathers.

Florida Panthers forward Sam Bennett has found himself at the center of controversy after a pair of incidents in this series drew the ire of the Toronto Maple Leafs and their fans. The incidents in questions are a crosscheck that was delivered to Maple Leafs forward Michael Bunting, and an incident that injured Maple Leafs forward Matthew Knies.

The incident with Bunting resulted in a fine from the National Hockey League's Department of Player Safety, but Bennett's critics weren't happy with that punishment.

The more controversial incident is the one involving Knies, one that is believed to have knocked Knies out of the series with a concussion.

There have been many calls for Bennett to be suspended for injuring Knies but it is clear that the NHL's Department of Player Safety does not agree, and to be fair they are not alone on this one. On Saturday morning, former NHL enforcer Matthew Barnaby shared his thoughts on the controversy and largely blew it off.

Barnaby argued that those crying over Bennett's behavior were being 'soft' and even went so far as to suggest that Bennett shouldn't have received the fine that he did.

"For anyone crying on Bennett? Shouldn’t even be a fine," wrote Barnaby before adding the hashtag #Soft.

Barnaby certainly won't be winning over any Maple Leafs fans with this take.