Meet the female version of Dominik Hasek!
KeyStone Press 

Meet the female version of Dominik Hasek!

Unbelievable! Look at those numbers!



We all remember the highlights of Dominik Hasek, as his international career save percentages were .961, .924 and .923. He accomplished those feats at the Winter Olympics and World Championships when he took part in at least four games of each tournament. 

Hasek not only won gold and bronze at the Olympics, but also took home a World Championship silver with three bronze. The Hall of Famer' Olympic career save percentage is a staggering .946. 

But wait until you see this! There is a female version of Hasek. Fellow Czech goaltender Klara Peslarova has recorded  three highest save percentages (thus far). She has played at least four tournament games and her save percentages have been .975, .954, and .951.

She is only a 20-year-old and said it herself. 

“My brother Jakub always said, ‘You are like Dominik Hasek in a skirt’,” Peslarová shared.

Source: Stats