Mike Babcock did the unthinkable to Mike Modano!
Zuma Press  

Mike Babcock did the unthinkable to Mike Modano!

​We can understand why players don’t want him as a coach!



With the Seattle Kraken exploring all the options to name the first head coach in franchise history, many pundits have place Mike Babcock far down at the bottom of the list and some folks are wondering why Babs isn’t a top candidate for the job. 

We can understand why the new NHL franchise is reluctant to hire Babcock with everything that took place at the start of the 2019-20 season. Unless it is so far in time for you, remember how there were abuse allegations were made against the bench boss during his time in Detroit. There was also the whole incident with his player Mitch Marner in Toronto: it was revealed that Babcock forced a 19-year-old Marner to make a list of all the players on the team, singling out the players who he viewed had the worst work ethic. Since the incident was made public, many have denounced Babcock, condemning the former head coach for putting Marner through such an ordeal and even accused Babs of trying to put his players against one another.

However, this is nothing close to what Babcock did to the great Mike Modano and still today we can understand why the legendary forward remains bitter about the head coach and his power trip. On Thursday, Marc-Andre Perreault of TVA Sports put together of piece on what took place. 

On April 3rd, 2011, Modano was just four games away from reaching the legendary 1,500-game mark.At 40, he would become the 21st player in NHL history to reach this plateau. On top of that, the scenario was almost perfect as the Wings were hosting the Minnesota Wild. Twenty-three years earlier, the North Stars (of Minnesota) had made Modano their first overall pick in the draft. However, Babcock did the unthinkable and ruin the event for everyone involved. That night, Babcock decided to leave out Modano out of his lineup. We’re talking about the second most prolific American player in NHL history behind Brett Hull with 1374 points.

Mike Modano ultimately ended his career playing 1,499 games. One freaking game short because of Babcock. 

We can understand better why Wings players like Mike Commodore and Chris Chelios despise Babcock. 

The guy has an oversized ego and better change before he returns behind an NHL bench. 

Source: TVA Sports