Mike Babcock wants to see changes to the World Cuo of Hockey format.
Keystone Press 

Mike Babcock wants to see changes to the World Cuo of Hockey format.

Babcock believes the World Cup could use some improvements.



Toronto Maple Leafs head coach Mike Babcock has never been one to shy away from sharing his opinions and despite being in the midst of what has proven to be an exciting World Cup tournament, he had some criticisms of the format to share with the press on Tuesday.

Babcock laid out a fairly comprehensive list of changes he would like to see including ideas abotu schedule and location that he felt could easily be improved.

“Two cities, only night games, bring the pools together, close, close together so you have crowds every night, not moving players around. Based on where you finish, what your world standing is that’s how you’re ranked in the tournament, that’s how you pick dressing rooms, that’s how you pick everything,” Babcock said as per Yahoo Sports. “That’s fair, actually. When you go to the Olympic games, the swimmer in the heats that swims the fastest gets the best lane, that’s how it should be.”


It sounds like he would also like to see changes to the team concepts, despite the success of both Team North America and Team Europe, Babcock feels the fact that players don't necessarily represent their countries diminishes the intensity of the competition.

“I like the opportunity  to represent your country where the heat’s on you and you’ve got to deliver,” Babcock said. “I think that’s a huge part of the Olympic games. The other thing is, the World Cup’s great, it’s not the Olympics. Let’s not get confused.”

This was a point made by Oilers superstar Connor McDavid earlier this month, so Babcock isn't the only one who would like to see every player represent their home nation.