NHL fans call for their coach's head on Saturday night.

NHL fans call for their coach's head on Saturday night.

Loud chants rang out on Saturday night as fans turned on their head coach before the puck even dropped.

Jonathan Larivee

It is a bad sign when your own fans have turned on you like this.

On Saturday night, before the puck ever even dropped at the Canadian Tire Center in Ottawa, fans of the Ottawa Senators chanted and demanded that Senators head coach D.J. Smith be removed from his position. The chants echoed throughout the building as fans demanded the removal of Smith after a 4-5 record to start the season, with "Fire D.J." being heard clearly throughout the building.

The Senators recently fired general manager Pierre Dorion after a trade debacle that has cost the Senators, and new Senators owner Michael Andlauer, a first round draft selection and it's clear that many fans would like to see the slate wiped clean with Smith sent packing as well.

Whether or not they will get their wish remains to be seen, but the new ownership group has already demonstrated a willingness to act quickly if necessary.