NHL insider destroys 'fan' over anti-semitic comments.

NHL insider destroys 'fan' over anti-semitic comments.

National Hockey League insider Frank Seravalli wasn't messing around on Sunday night.

Jonathan Larivee

In the sport of hockey we have been pretty lucky when it comes to our class of athlete. Hockey fans often boast about the fact that hockey players tend to be classy individuals of good character, at least for the most part, and the same can be said for the sports' top insiders.

Over the weekend we were shown another example of that when highly regarded National Hockey League insider Frank Seravalli went on a bit of a tirade on social media. Seravalli published a rather hostile tweet, absolutely destroying a fan and showing that fan no mercy in the process.

"You are a piece of shit," wrote Seravalli. "Pour yourself a big glass of bleach tonight and do us all a favor."

Now that may seem like an extremely hostile comment to make, and it was, but context will prove to be rather important here. While Seravalli's comments were very harsh, he was making them in defense of a colleague who had just been the target of rather vile anti-semitic remarks from the user that Seravalli directed his ire at.

I don't want to give any additional attention to this person, so with that in mind I will only include a screenshot of their original tweet.

NHL insider destroys 'fan' over anti-semitic comments.

You can better understand why Seravalli would have reacted in such a hostile manner given the ugly comments that were directed at his colleague, seemingly out of nowhere. The user who made the comments was responding to a short clip that discussed the NCAA's role in hockey, making his vile attack on Seravalli and his colleague that much more bizarre and out of place.