NHL issues controversial ruling on Brenden Dillon’s hit on Noel Acciari

NHL issues controversial ruling on Brenden Dillon’s hit on Noel Acciari

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Winnipeg Jets defenceman Brenden Dillon will have a hearing later today for an illegal check to the head on Pittsburgh Penguins forward Noel Acciari.

The incident took place last night in the Penguins’ 3-0 shutout win over the Jets. Just over four minutes into the second period, Acciari was skating with the puck through the neutral zone when he collided with Dillon, who caught the Penguins’ forward in the head with his shoulder. Acciari’s helmet was sent flying by the contact. It quickly turned into a scrum as Penguins teammates rushed over to defend Acciari, who was laying, visibly shaked up on the ice.

Fans have been quite vocal about the hit with some blaming Acciari for getting caught with his head low, while others attacked Dillon for his head-hunting reputation.

As insider Chris Johnston pointed out the the NHL’s Department of Player Safety decided on a phone hearing, which allows for a suspension of five games or less.

This is where controversy emerged on social media with fans expressing their opinions on the hit and what Dillon’s ban should be moving forward.

Dillon has six goals and 15 points in 47 games with the Jets this season, his third with the team. We will know later today how many games he will miss for his actions on Acciari, who was still being evaluated last night after the game when media spoke with head coach Mike Sullivan.

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