NHL Player Safety comes down on Devils forward Tomas Tatar.
Jean-Yves Ahern/USA TODAY Sports  

NHL Player Safety comes down on Devils forward Tomas Tatar.

The National Hockey League's Department of Player Safety disciplines Tomas Tatar after a dangerous incident in Game 3.

Jonathan Larivee

New Jersey Devils forward Tomas Tatar has drawn the ire of the National Hockey League's Department of Player Safety.

According to an official announcement from the league, Tatar has been slapped with a fine in the amount of $5,000 which is the maximum amount allowed under the rules of the collective bargaining agreement. The league has find Tatar under the "high-sticking" rule, but in reality the play was a bit more dangerous than that would suggest.

Tatar was upset about a crosscheck he received from Carolina Hurricanes forward Sebastian Aho and relatialited in what proved to be quite dangerous fashion. Tatar swung around with his stick to get at Aho, but instead ended up whacking the Hurricanes forward on the back of the head with his stick.

You certainly can't blame Tatar for being frustrated by the crosscheck but his stick could potentially have injured Aho, or any other player that was too close, and you can see why the league felt a fine was warranted in this instance.