NHL Player Safety responds to Andersson's hit on Laine.

NHL Player Safety responds to Andersson's hit on Laine.

The National Hockey League's Department of Player Safety has wasted little time in making an announcement.

Jonathan Larivee

The National Hockey League's Department of Player Safety has wasted little time in responding to this one, as was expected.

On Friday night, Calgary Flames defenseman Rasmus Andersson delivered a very questionable hit to the head of Columbus Blue Jackets star forward Patrik Laine and it would now appear a suspension may be forthcoming. The Department of Player Safety has now officially announced that Andersson will have a hearing on Saturday, although it will not be an in-person hearing so we are looking at a relatively short suspension if a suspension is indeed the outcome of that hearing.

 Andersson delivered the hit to Laine's head in the dying seconds of Friday night's game between the Flames and Blue Jackets, as Laine was trying to fire off a shot into the Flames' empty net in an effort to pad his stats. Andersson clearly took exception to the attempt and launched himself into the head of his opponent, laying out Laine in the process.

Laine has already been ruled out of tonight's game between the Blue Jackets and the Minnesota Wild with an upper-body injury, and the severity of that injury could very well play a factor in Andersson's hearing today.