NHL prospect carried off on stretcher on Friday night.
Ryan Remiorz/CP  

NHL prospect carried off on stretcher on Friday night.

The former first round pick suffers an ugly looking injury after a big hit on Friday night.

Jonathan Larivee

One of the top picks in last year's National Hockey League Entry Draft has suffered an ugly looking injury, and right now everyone is left hoping that he's going to be alright.

On Friday night, Winnipeg Jets prospect Rutger McGroarty, the 14th overall pick at the 2022 NHL Draft, was carted off the ice on a stretcher after going hard into the boards at an awkward angle. McGroarty was on the receiving end of a big hit that knocked him off his feet and drove him into the boards in something of a seated position.

The 19 year old forward was immediately showing signs of being in considerable pain after making contact with the boards and would unfortunately be unable to leave the ice under his own power. Instead a stretcher was brought out for McGroarty, who was then placed onto the stretcher and then carried off the ice.

Here is the only footage of the hit I've been able to locate thus far:

Winnipeg Jets reporter Scott Billeck has since been able to confirm with McGroarty's team, the University of Michigan Wolverines, that the young man was taken to the emergency room as a result of his injuries. Unfortunately no further updates are available at this time, but of course we all hope McGroarty will make a full and speedy recovery.

Stay tuned for more details on this developing story.